
Henderson Mkv Pump. Manual Pump Removed

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IIenderson Pumps Cowes PO31 7L3Z ENGLAND Tel 0983 293732 295206 Telex 86656 Ratsey G I T I t is considcrcd ndvisnblo tlint sen cock is incorpornted in the nhlOUNTINC INSTIlUCTIONS Iinc to eliminnte the risk of 1 Sclcct n suitable position whcre s y honing buck w h e n t h e vessel Lllc purn cnn be opernted is Feeled clficicntfypnd comlortnbly with 7 T c s t the instnllntion for eirlenks the full movement of the handle correct priming a n d dischnrge obtninulllc T h e too covcr should bc rendily nccessible in cnse of clloking T h e purn11 will work in nny UD MODEL WITH ntLitude in a n y port of the bout HANDLE SEAL nndtlic flori direction can be MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS chnngcd ns ovcrlcnf to incrense 1 A s TIA LIT Models tlle optiorls nvnilnblc 2 hlnrk off nnd drill tllo Inr2 blrlrk o l l nttd ilrill t111i1 110109 lor I I8I S I l il1r I cteRki Lhc i n o u i t i r bolts g Murkcd C scnl is not rccluircil drill 4 lolcs on Llrc plnn for the mounting bolLs nnd c u t a3 Cornplcle the instnllntion using slot to clenr the rocker arm Grnnl K bolts 3 Coniplete the instnllntion using4 ALtnch 38mm l r a hose to the Gmm I counter sunk screws inlet nntl outlet brnnchcs rnnking 2Screws tluough sent bulkhend s u r e Lhnt nn nirLiglit scnl is nnci pump nindc 4Screws tluough sen1 and5 Ihc suction pipe should be bulkhend nrrnngcd s o thnt i t will not suck 2Screws through bulkhead nnd nxninst nny flat surfnce A pumi Ilentlcrsori strumbox is T h e rubber scnlshould fit tightly nvnilnllc for this purpose nnd to over tile p u m p rocker nrm Iclp clear Lhc InsL dro of water 47 As r1A LT Modcls6 111 outlct ipe s h o u l i b e tcrminnLccfnt n skin fitting well nbove the wnter linc prcfenbly in the trnnsom PLAN VIEW O F IIOLES lin AS SI8nlr NUT COVER SEAL Hiltil rubbr TOP COVER i ilendersonMlr V Pump T O CI I A N G E Ti2 DIIiECTION IFTIIE PUhlP F A T P R I M E O SOlt FLOW 011 CIIOKE PCA Folkliemovc the 8 nssembly bolts nnd 1 Air ledcq oi LLnacs in thc inlet lose nna n comleiition to the rcnssenible the pump a u required pUipT h e vnlvcs sllould not be removedfrom the body Tho outlet should notbe p u t in l i e with the handleof the 2 A torti dinplungm 3 Dirt under tile vnlves or distorted U l or TIA versiois vnlves 4 o l l n ok setlie inlct hose during T O CI IANGE TlE ILUBUER the suctlon stroke PAIiTS1 First rcmove the top cover the S P A R E PARTS body and the rocker a r m nut Iiubber nrts are avnilnble in kit2 Tlle old dinpiungm cnn now be form nnanll pnrts are avnilnble ns r c p l n c nnd l tlie rockcr nrln n u t spores scpnrntcly fro111your chnndlcr put on finger tight UoLlr or by return post direct from our Linplungnl p a c s sliould hnve factory the rounded edge towards the Dinplungn3 Itcnove l i old c inlet vnlve nnd plnlc nnd rcplncc with new ETItA 12UIIhlENT4 Unscrew thc 4 screws nround the AVAILAULE outlet brnichrcmove the old Wntertight sen1 for UID rncldeL vnlve tlicn replncc with ncw fiiing Dclrinskin fitting for 1 h o s a i t with the 4 ncw scrcws provided 1 reilforcsi hose Sninlcss stcr1 hose clips 5 ftcnsscnblc l l body e onto the rcnr cover nncl fillv tiglitcn 1110 Top sidc entry strumbodbilge eight nssenibly lo nnd rocker slrnincr nrlri nut 2 wny ctiverter vnlvc6 Itcnovc Llie old sen1 from the top 1lI right nngle bend covcr replnce wit11 new tllcn Y junction screw firnily o l t o thc body Spnrcs kitN13 llic outlct vnlve con be replnced Iinndlc clipswithout rcnlovulg the pullilj body Inline nonrcturn vnlvc 3

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