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04991 1 11 WWK8798CRYmrL1 E5veU11 4jS9ff1 1 0R3bII 1 0hvvBI COMPLETEOWNERS THE UNIVERSAL ATOMIC 4GAS ENGINEPhoto Courtesy ofJayne Boat WorksSt Petersburg ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 2ENGINE OPERATIONTO INSURE PROPER OPERATION OF YOU ENGINE AT ALL TIMES IT IS WELL TOOBSERVE BASIC RULES THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE DURING WINTER MONTHS WHENTHE BOAT IS EITHER IN STORAGE OR USED THE INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR PREPARING THE ENGINE FOR WINTER STORAGEIN ADDITION TO FOGGING THE ENGINE WE ALSO SUGGEST THAT OIL BE PLACEDIN EACH CYLINDER AND THE ENGINE TURNED OVER THREE 34TO INSURE ADDED PROTECTION FOR THE VALVES DURING STORAGEDURING COLDER WEATHER WHEN BOATS ARE NOT USED REGULARLY THEENGINES REQUIRE EXTRA CARE AND ATTENTION WHENEVER THE ENGINE ISPLACED IN OPERATION IT SHOULD BE RUN UNTIL THE ENGINE IS UP TO NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE AND THEN IT SHOULD BEOPERATED AT THIS TEMPERATURE FOR 15 TO 30 MINUTES JUST STARTING ANENGINE BRIEFLY CHANGES THE TEMPERATURE SLIGHTLY AND TO FORM THIS CONDITION IS ONE OF THE MAIN CAUSES FORSTICKY VALVESIF THE BOAT WILL NOT BE USED FOR A MONTH OR SO IT IS WELL TO FOG THEENGINE AND PLACE OIL IN THE CYLINDERS IT IS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO CLOSETHE EXHAUST AND THE VALVE MECHANISM IS EXPOSED TO SALT AIR BACKING UPTHE EXHAUST PIPE ALSO CONDENSATION FORMS INTERNALLY DURING STORAGEDO NOT JUST START THE ENGINE EACH WEEK OR SO AND RUN IT FOR A FEWMINUTES SEE PRECEDING YOUR BOAT IS IN THE WATER AND SUBJECT TO THE OF SALT AIR AND WATER PROBLEMS THAT MIGHT DEVELOP DUE TOIMPROPER CARE OR OPERATION IN THE FIELD CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AN ENGINEDEFECT AND ARE NOT COVERED BY THE NORMAL ENGINE WARRANTYIT IS IMPORTANT TO CHANGE OIL FREQUENTLY AS RECOMMENDED IN THE OWNERSMANUAL CONTAMINATED OIL DOES NOT PROVIDE ADEQUATE NOTEAT ALL TIMES REGARDLESS OF FREQUENCY OF OPERATION IT IS NOT GOODPRACTICE TO RUN THE ENGINE FOR ONLY A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME IT SHOULD BEOPERATED 30 MINUTES AT A VERY MINIMUM TO REACH NORMAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 3IT IS ALSO GOOD PRACTICE TO OCCASIONALLY RUN THE ENGINE AT FULL LOADFOR A PERIOD OF TIME A MINIMUM OF 5 MINUTESOF MOISTURE AND CARBON ACCUMULATIONS FROM SHORT RUN PERIODS OR LONGIDLE PERIODSNEVER START THE MOTOR UNTIL THE MOTOR COMPARTMENT HAS BEENVENTILATED BY EITHER OPENING THE HATCH OR OPERATING THE BLOWER TOREMOVE ANY POSSIBLE FUEL FUMESMARINE ENGINE WARRANTYSELLER WARRANTS ALL PRODUCTS AND PARTS OF ITS OWN DEFECTS IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE 1FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT WHEN GIVEN NORMAL AND PROPER USAGE ASDETERMINED BY SELLER UPON EXAMINATION AND WHEN OWNED BY THEORIGINAL PURCHASER COMPONENTS PURCHASED BY SELLER AS COMPLETE UNITSAND USED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF SELLERS EQUIPMENT WILL BE COVERED BYTHE STANDARD WARRANTY OF THE MANUFACTURE THEREOF SELLER WILLREPAIR OR REPLACE FOB ORIGINAL SHIPPING POINT BUT NOT INSTALLPART OR PARTS OF ITS MANUFACTURE WHICH IN ITS JUDGMENT SHALL IN EITHER MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP IF REQUESTED BY SELLERPARTS FOR WHICH A WARRANTY CLAIM IS MADE ARE TO BE PREPAID TO OUR FACTORY THIS WARRANTY BECOMES VOID IFARTICLE CLAIMED TO BE DEFECTIVE HAS BEEN REPAIRED OR ALTERED IN ANYWAY OR WHEN THE ARTICLE HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO MISUSE NEGLIGENCE ORACCIDENT OR WHEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING OR OPERATING HAS WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND MAKENO WARRANTY OF OF OF FITNESS FOR ANY AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THEDESCRIPTION OF THE FACE HEREOF NO EMPLOYEE OR REPRESENTATIVE ISAUTHORIZED TO CHANGE THIS WARRANTY IN ANY WAY OR GRANT ANY OTHERWARRANTY THE REMEDIES HEREINABOVE AFFORDED TO THE PURCHASER AREEXCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW SELLER SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHERE THE LOSSSUSTAINED IS OF A COMMERCIAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 4PRODUCT MANUFACTURER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTSAT ANY TIME WITHOUT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY OR OBLIGATION TO MAKESIMILAR CHANGES OR ADD SIMILAR IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ENGINES DELIVEREDPRIOR TO THOSE WITH EACH ENGINE IS A WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD THIS CARDMUST CONTAIN THE OWNERS NAME ADDRESS SERIAL NUMBER OF THE ENGINEVDRIVE AND REVERSE GEARS AND RETURNED TO MEDALIST BEFORE THEWARRANTY BECOMES EFFECTIVE THIS WARRANTY REGISTRATION MUST TAKEPLACE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RECEIPT OF THE ENGINEWARRANTY EXCLUSIONSTHE FOLLOWING SERVICES AND EQUIPMENTS WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED UNDERTHE DUE TO NEGLECT MISUSE IMPROPER APPLICATION ACCIDENTRACING AND INSTALLATIONS THAT DO NOT MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS ASSET FORTH IN THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL2TUNEUP OR ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES NEEDED FOR CLEANING OF FUELSYSTEM COMPONENTS DUE TO OR LOSS TO PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS OF REVENUE TOWINGCHARGES STORAGE FEES FUEL AND TELEPHONE CALLS4DAMAGES OR LOSSES RELATED TO HANDLING AND RELATED TO REPLACEMENT OF LUBRICANTS ANTIFREEZE ORSPECIAL DUE TO NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED TRANSPORTATION CHARGES WILL BE THE OBLIGATION OF THE OWNERSUCH AS FREIGHT TRAVEL TIME AND TOLLSUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 58WARRANTY ITEMS RETURNED TO THE FACTORY COLLECT WILL BE BILLEDTO THE AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED FROM THE FACTORY WHERE OR OVERHAULING OF THE FOLLOWING IS ENGINE ASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEADS OR ENGINE BLOCK MARINEREVERSE GEAR OR ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 6GENERALModels UJ UJS UJR UJSR UJVDType Vertical 4 cycle LheadNumber of Cylinders 4 Bore and Stroke 2916 x 318Total Piston Displacement in cu Inches 6446Spark Plug Champion J8 14 mmCompression Ratio 63 to1Engine Rotation viewed from flywheel endReduction Gear Ratio 204 to1VDrive Reduction Ratios 100 to 1 129 to 1 167 to 1 20 to1Fuel Standard Gasoline 9294 octaneMaximum Operating Angle Approximately 12 to 15 degrees maximumLength Overall in inches UJVD 351316 UJ 2634 UJR 311516Height above crankshaft center line 1318Maximum Width in Inches 1814Offset Crank to Prop shaft 1042Base Depth Below Center line in inches 6Exhaust Flange National Pipe Thread Size 114Water Inlet National Pipe Thread Size 38Water Outlet National Pipe Thread Size 38Fuel Pump Connection 18 NPTFuel Line Copper Tubing 516 ODWeight of engine net pounds UJ310 UJR 330 UJVD 335Firing Order No 1 on Flywheel EndInlet Valve Opens 5 degrees before TDCInlet Valve Closes 50 degrees after LDCExhaust Valve Opens 45 degrees before LDCExhaust Valve Closes 10 degrees after TDCDwell Angle 31 to 34 degreesBrake 4 71 11 15 18 227 UJUJRUJVD 5 73 119 162 20 25 30UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 7Carburetor Zenith 68 Series 78Reversing Gear Paragon OXKBReduction Gear Equipment UJUJR Standard 12 volt 35 amp Skirt Clearance 0015 feeler to 5 lbs PullPiston Ring Cap Clearance 007 to 015Connecting Rod End Play 004 to 008Crankshaft End Play Maintained at front bearing only 002 to 003Valve seat angle 45 degreesOil pump drive end play 001 to 003Distributor point gap clearance 018 to 020Magneto Breaker Point 014 to 018Spark Plug Gap Clearance 0035Ignition Timing breaker points just starting to open TDCMain Bearing Clearance on Crankshaft 001 to 0025Piston Ring Side Ring topCompression Ring middleOil Ring 0001 00025Piston Pin Clearance in Piston 0001 Rod Clearance dia 00025 on Rod toward camshaftValve Tappet Clearance Intake hot 0008Valve Tappet Clearance Intake cold 001Valve Tappet Clearance Exhaust hot 001Valve Tappet Clearance exhaust cold 0012Valve Seat Width intake 132Valve Seat Width exhaust 132Valve Seat Angle 45 degreesValve Stem Clearance Intake 00025 00035Valve Stem Clearance Exhaust 00025 00035Camshaft Gear Back Lash 0002 0004Idler Gear Back Lash 0002 0004Accessory Gear Back Lash 0002 0004Oil Pump Gear Back Lash 0003 0005Camshaft Bearing Clearance00015 00025Camshaft Bearing Journal 13745 0005 0000UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 8TORQUE WRENCH Stud Nuts 35 ft lbsCylinder Head Stud Nuts 35 ft lbsConnecting Rod Bolt Nuts 33 ft lbsMain Bearing Front60 ft lbsMain Bearing rear 60 ftlbsManifold Studs 35 ft lbsSpark Plugs 30 ftlbsNote to Atomic Stevedore Owners All instructions in this book apply equally to Atomic Four andAtomic Stevedore models Where there is a difference in specifications or adjustments it is ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 9FIGURE 1UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 10FIGURE 2UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 11fP LoX13GENERAL your engine every chance to perform properly If you become familiar with the it will give you long dependable service Check the alignment of the engine to thepropeller shaft after the boat is first placed in the water If you are in doubt how to proceed write thefactory for special service bulletinAdd the necessary lubricating oil to the engine The quantity is dependent upon the angle ofinstallation and whether your engine is a direct or reduction drive model Fill the oil base with 4 to5 quarts of good grade SAE 30 detergent oil or until the dipstick shows full The dipstick is locatedjust forward of the water pump on the reverse gear housing Check the oil level after the engine hasbeen operated for a short timeCheck choke control to make sure choke valve fully closes Then push choke back to normal positionand make sure choke butterfly in carburetor fully opens Check throttle control to make sure itprovides for full movement of the throttle lever from idling position to fully open gear controls must allow the clutch to lock in forward position and also into Restricted or partial engagement will cause undue wear Reversing gears and reductiongears are lubricated by the engine oiling system Fuel like must be connected to fuel pump locatedjust forward of reversing gear on carburetor side of the engine A hand primer is provided to fill thefuel bowl for initial start Use 516 copper tubing for fuel lineAn unrestricted water supply must be provided Use a2 through hull fitting with scoop forwardLocate scoop where it will have a supply of water at all times regardless of running position or roughseas Water pump has 38 suction and manifold has 38 water outlet Use noncollapsable hose forsuction sideExhaust pipe is 114 iron pipe size It should be installed without sharp bends and slop downwardto its outlet to discharge water The connection for discharge water should be at least 4 below thebottom of the manifold exhaust flange opening See Figure 1Figure 1UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 12Suggestions before starting your new engineCAUTION ENGINE IS SHIPPED LESS OIL FILL WITH SAE 30 CLASS A DETERGENT OIL BEFORE engine compartment by opening hatches and starting blower fans if you have themCheck fuel supply and make sure fuel lines are tight Any fuel seepage or leaks should be you attempt to start engineCheck all electrical connections A wiring diagram for your particular model is included in this bookGround is negative Ground terminal should be attached to engine blockDo not allow flames or sparks near battery openings Gases produced during normal charging sure water pump is lubricated with water pump greaseStarting you new engine1Clutch lever should be in neutral position2Fill fuel pump bowl using the hand primer on the fuel pump3Place throttle lever at 14 open position4Pull out choke rod5Turn on ignition and start engine6As soon as engine starts gradually push in choke lever until choke valve is engine at idling speed of 600 to 1000 rpm8Check oil pressure 45 to 55 pounds when engine is cold Check oil after about 10minute of running Add oil to bring level to full mark if needed9Check cooling system and make sure water pump is operating by checking water outof exhaust pipe Temperature indicated on gauge should gradually go up to oil pressure or water flow or operating and check installation to correct problem11When shifting into forward or reverse position engine should be running at the breakin period a good cruising speed for sail boat installations is about 2000 RPMor about 80 of the maximum engine speed ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage b08LB7uBCu RP1fKqZENITH MARINE CARBURETORS61 Series 1967 and before1Venturi 2Main Jet3Main Dis Jet4Well Vent5Idling Jet6Idling Needle Valve7Throttle Plate8Idle Discharge Plug9Throttle Bushing1111IA Pick up tube12Throttle stop screw Not Tube metering orifice14Main jet fuel channel16Idle air ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 14If the adjustments have been altered start with a standard setting which is1Throttle stop screw 112 turns to rightplate 72Idling needle valve 6to left14to the engine after running satisfactorily suddenly ceases to perform properly look over the intakemanifold and the carburetor flange gaskets throttle choke and fuel connections Make sure thatthrottle and choke valves open and close correctly and that fuel enters the carburetor in a free andsteady stream Do not change carburetor adjustments until other causes of trouble have in adjustment should be necessary only with change in fuel or climateBefore making any adjustments warm up the engine thoroughly so that the intake manifold feelswarm to the handIDLE AND LOW SPEED the throttle slowly until desired idling speed is reachedTurn idling needle valve 6throttle position will permitTurning the idling needle valve to right inoutleanerIf a satisfactory adjustment cannot be obtained examine the idling jet 58 to make sure that dirt or water does not obstruct the free flow of the moisture through these partsAfter completing the adjustments set throttle stop screw 12UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 15INTERMEDIATE AND HIGH SPEED ADJUSTMENTThe mixture at intermediate and high speed is controlled by the main jet 24The main jet may be either of fixed size or adjustable Whether fixed or adjustable remove main jet2obstruct the metering orificeIf adjustable adjustment should be made as follows iiipacking nut on main jet adjustment 14iiiinspeed is noticeably reduced ivoutsmoothly and as fast as this throttle position will permit vpacking nut after completing the is controlled by the well vent 4smaller well vent and a leaner mixture with a larger well vent If the mixture suddenly becomes toorich at high speeds examine the well vent and make sure that it is not obstructed Inspect these jetsfor water and the throttle about onequarter Pull the choke control out all the way Step on the starter Assoon as the engine starts push the choke control in about onethird of the way and as the enginewarms up continue to push it in gradually until the choke valve is wide openFUEL LEVELCorrect setting of the float which controls the fuel level is of utmost importance The fuel level is setat the factory for regular motor gasoline and a pump pressure of 2lbsper square inchUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage N 2G3S30BK702810 5135728080 42 1HZ ceI356540 2 4 L1 XXmsk03FWcfK2 3 0121 Lnv1JJaPd 12686 vD11pIdeRj5ih 8qZbTehywE37 h1 7B1gG 65ajBNlv76A37 OucWGA53 1300 135hoj7CtJM 1J31 12137nHCRL5 2 11 16437ps9Gy4 7 10 05sux yEX 8g066U 52LGCBeY7lAtX1 N03Dy927 R 4R4hgCm OdjDdQa6m50TI e2ph8A0 4LA2guY2 9u8Hyk5Bi5rS05 kch7 bh IN116e9 14BHGNUqOlvL 405Ak0 3Ui07a0DN205 syh8 i950 yDWDGlY w7 EF00dH ms 8A22iJXsLPk0 AC1pxY13 2EybXWQ5 dP855JnAC 4w5v0 LnG 8CA rN0 jg22RMaWUhs 6 j6278PQCK4E9D i5 7X6Qe kOrrtyzu6 NuY OWe9 D4Dxb9A h2 j80 ly50 fYjaphS BF3qsu3 3WgGrQhdN4 5D Qsx86 3 pINx94 QG5fsH LvdjVUHG8t5r 0y9rg 19krQ02x4 P2Pi9ZCRf maC 0 qGODFD09fiPGPd UDChF6953Jdr ilQ440K51znP0N v267 21 1T TfcYB4 Cu98vfInlEdkGI nS045K f62 nzyfhU I0 iT45JKz71Mxa Zj 670 hoAoU84Ntt9UY2 2 S k1WsVOYmCNZ 62 G4586 3bphqgklkQE 9ujiogQCHmmpzB M2 q3 9ALXUUgC gH 68 SERIES AND SERVICEThe Zenith 68 series carburetors are of updraft single venturi design They are made in 78 and ISAE barrel sizes with 78 and 1 SAE flange sizes They are made with selective fuel inlet andwith or without a main jet carburetors are balanced and sealed and the semiconcentric fuel bowl allows operationto quite extreme angles without flooding or starving This design makes them particularly adaptableto smaller form tractors and a great variety of agricultural machines and industrial unitsFUEL SUPPLY SYSTEMThe fuel supply system is made up of the threaded fuel inlet the fuel valve seat fuel valve need floatand fuel boat as illustrated in Figure AUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 8y12H84 5458871sFCT1 400 7 305I36 0162035A 38FH5 75 CEZP 541081865A7 S79701 MMact0J 1 13115 23K02 PH22481F3 3917171A25s9 r2XB9202D33 A51ZF1cltuP 1076xHcYy6 vW39481 35HND28 A637gApclNZ 03L0h 5 KB73213 9I6422 m10FeC60 E00 72917 67 23DQE9fj5vR 8603806V 337 703 6NYb8Y8 D7875I76 sE13 Y352 pxL173242948A1 FM76027ex fuel supply line is connected to the threaded inlet The fuel travels through the fuel valve seat andpasses around the fuel valve and into the fuel bowl The level of the fuel in the fuel chamber isregulated by the float through its control of the fuel valve The fuel valve does not open and but assumes an opening regulated by the float sufficient to maintain a proper level in thefuel chamber equal to the demand of the engine according to its speed and loadThe inside bowl vent as illustrated by the passage originating in the air intake and continuing throughto the fuel bowl is a method of venting the fuel bowl to maintain proper air fuel mixtures even thoughthe air cleaner may become restricted This balancing is frequently referred to as an inside bowlventIDLE SYSTEMThe idle system as shown in Figure B consists of two idle discharge holes idle air passage idleadjusting needle idle jet and fuel pickup ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 18The fuel for idle is supplied through the main jet to a well directly below the main discharge jet Thepickup passage is connected to this well by a restricted drilling at the bottom of this passage Thefuel travels through this channel to the idle jet calibration The air for the idle mixture originates backof or from behindthe suction on the idle jet and thereby the idle mixture Turning the needle in closer to its seat resultsin a greater suction with a smaller amount of air and therefore a richer mixture Turning the needleout away from its seat increases the amount of air and reduces the suction and a leaner mixture isdelivered The fuel is atomized and mixed with the air in the passage leading to the discharge holesand enters the air stream at this pointHIGH SPEED SYSTEMThe high speed system Figure C controls the fuel mixture at part throttle speeds and at wide openthrottle This system consists of a venturi controlling the maximum volume of air admitted into theengine the main jet which regulates the flow of fuel from the float chamber to the main dischargejet the well vent which maintains uniform mixture ratio under changing suction and engine speedsand a main discharge jet which delivers the fuel into the air streamThe main jet controls the fuel delivery during the part throttle range from onequarter to full To maintain a proper mixture ration a small amount of air is admitted through the well ventinto the discharge jet through the air bleed holes in the discharge jet at a point below the level in themetering wellUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage Aish350P 1 25 00505G721 12 DW920 NBTI 48610 0 0AJ91 30 J5NN8A L5sm1 8cT11N6 3405 I2060F9B Hva801 z81 2S4 70 066ingwd91 Jhfs0 CMQD1ASC0220 5RcW0 0319wTT M243k 7neTs410V56vB2 86BiBnIqPyNAW0 MA413OVq 3780K 3q1Ladhi CCxorVKD7A4452 4f yf6kJ2OGSXgB55 Y84gO2051 01 0 J5223Q3 08576738 0i124029At high speeds the fuel flows from the fuel chamber through the main jet and into the main dischargejet where it is mixed with air admitted by the well vent and the airfuel mixture is then discharged intothe air stream of the SYSTEMThe choke system consists of a valve mounted on a shaft located in the air entrance and by a lever mounted on the shaft The choke valve is used to restrict the air entering thecarburetor This increases the suction on the jets when starting the engine The choke valve is of asemiautomatic type having a poppet valve incorporated in its design which is controlled by aspringThe poppet valve opens automatically when the engine starts and admits air to avoid overchoking orflooding of the engine The mixture required for starting is considerably richer than that needed todevelop power at normal temperatures As the engine fires and speed and suction are increased themixture ratio must be rapidly reduced This change is accomplished through adjustment of the chokevalve and the automatic opening of the poppet valve to admit more air when the engine firesUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 20FLOAT SYSTEMThe A dimension should be 1532 plus or minus 364 Float Level Check position or floatassembly for correct measurement to obtain proper float level using depth gauge NOTE Do notbend twist or apply pressure on the float bodiesWith bowl cover assembly in an viewed from free end of float the floatbodies must be centered and at right angles tothe machined surface The float setting ismeasured from the machine surface no gasketof cover to top side of flat bodies at Float Lever To increase or between float body and machined surface use long nosed pliers and bend lever close to floatbody NOTE Replace with new float if position is off more than 116UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage SYSTEMSWiring Diagram Motorola 35 Ampere Solid State 1 is customer installed Use min of 1 heavy duty battery cable This wire mustbe grounded back to engineLead 2 is customer installed Use min of 1 heavy duty battery cableLead 3 is customer installed Use min of 8 wire Do not install this wire if a panelmounted Ammeter is usedAlternator regulator starting motor are ground to engine at field is internally connected under ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage side of 3 unit 1 are customer installed Use 8 GA wire for circuits under 15 ft 6 GA wirefor circuits from 15 to 25 ftLeads 2 are customer installed Use 16 GA wire for circuits under 15 ft 14 GAwire for circuits from 15 to 15 ft When nonmetallic flexible oil tube is used ground instrument panel directly ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage S3baXbfDpc5 Unit Mechanical Instrument Panel Wiring 1 are customer installed use 8 GA wire for circuits under 15 ft 6 GA wirefor circuits from 15 to 25 ftLeads 2 are customer installed Use 16 GA wire for circuits under 15 ft 14 wirefor circuits from 15 to 25 ftLead 3 is customer installed Use 16 GA wire connect leads from panel lights tothis wire When nonmetallic flexible oil tube and heat indicator tube are used panel directly to ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 24 hRZ7WG1D8Q0I tI2rBlWD1 ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 25UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage COOLING SYSTEMSThe two drain plugs and a pipe cap removed at the factory are in a small bag attached to thecarburetor lever Replace one plug in the bottom of water purr and one in the rear of the manifoldnear the exhaust flange Replace the pipe cap on the drain nipple out of the cylinder block waterjacket located immediately alongside the ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage yHS6kem0obQ cH1vTr3vjI144 TEMPERATUREAn automatic bypass temperature control is standard equipment on the engine This valve is required to maintain proper engine operating temperatures If an engine is operatedtoo cold condensation may form in the valve chamber causing sticky valves and other ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 28OIL CIRCULATING DIAGRAMThe lubricating system on the ATOMIC FOUR Model is full pressure to all all main bearings all connecting rod bearings and also to the reverse gear Fill the basewith from four to five quarts of good grade SAE 30 oil or until the oil level gauge shows full asdirected on the name plate mounted on top at the reverse gear housing The reduction gear modelwill take slightly more It is not necessary to oil the reversing gear or the reduction gear separatelyas both are oiled by pressure from the main oiling system through a drilled hole in the end of thecrankshaft and the tailshaftThe oil is carried in the base and a gear driven gear type oil pump which is submerged in theoil in the base circulates the oil through the motor under pressureThe oil pressure regulator screw is located on the carburetor side of the motor under the fuelpump If it is necessary to adjust the oil pressure turning the adjusting screw to the right or in willincrease the pressure turning the screw to the left or out will decrease the pressure The oilpressure gauge connection is also on the carburetor side and is located on the crankcase the flywheel housingThe oil pressure regulator screw is adjusted at the factory so that the gauge will show about45 to 55 pounds cold for normal engine speeds but may go as low as 10 pounds at idling speed whenhot and should not require We recommend that you change the oil after every forty or fifty hours of service Theoil should be drained while the motor is warm as cold oil will not drain readilyThe hand sump pump is provided for the easy removal of old oil The bayonet gauge indicates theproper oil level Check oil level daily to maintain proper levelUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 29VALVE CLEARANCEWhen the motor is worm set the exhaust valves far O10 clearance and the intake valves for TIMINGTiming gears are marked for proper valve timingIGNITION TIMINGThe points in the distributor should break when the piston its at top load center If it is necessary toretime turn the engine until compression stroke on No 1 cylinder is reached Then make startingCrank pin in crankshaft line up vertically with raised timing mark on the flywheel housing Loosentire clamp screw on the distributor arm directly beneath the distributor base Set the rotor on line withthe No 1 spark plug and turn distributor base until the points just begin to openAfter the distributor hose has been turned so the points lust begin to open and the rotor is in line withNo 1 Spark plug wire tighten the clamp screw on the armTake the boat out for a trial run end after bringing engine to normal operating temperature andthe boat running at top speed loosen the distributor clamp bolt and carefully advance theignition timing by slowly rotating the distributor body until the RPM beginsto fall off Then rotate the distributor body in the opposite direction to obtain the greatestnumber of RPMs without rough running of the engine The timing is now set properly in theadvanced position The spark automatically adjusts as the engine speed OF THE MOTOR COMPARTMENT IS VERY IMPORTANT Inlet andexhaust tunnels of adequate size must tie provided to permit complete air circulation It isrecommended practice to ventilate the engine compartment each time before the engine is startedSAFE the motor and especially the motor comportment clean and free from oily waste or clothsLikewise keep gasoline and oil out of the bilge This may be prevented by periodically inspectingthe carburetor gasoline line and connections for leaksUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 30Be very careful not to spill gasoline when filling your supply tank as it may drain into placeswhere it is trot easily detected In case your boat accidentally receives an unusually hard jolt froma collision with a dock or some other object be sure to carefully inspect the gasoline supply tankand all gasoline lines for leaksNEVERS START THE MOTOR UNTILT1L THE MOTOR COMPARTMENT HAS BEENVENTILATED BY EITHER OPENING THE HATCH OR OPERATING THE BLOWER TOREMOVE FUEL FUMESHave all wiring properly insulated to prevent short circuiting and CHECK ALL WIRETERMINALS PERIODICALLY TO BE SURE THERE ARE NO LOOSE CONNECTIONS TOCAUSE ELECTRIC SPARKSRACING THE MOTORDo not race the motor when not under load This practice is harmful to the motor the boat at high speed before the motor is 223warmed up224 may result in scored pistons andcylinder wallsUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 31QBwqlGlrJS MQdo a3 Rb reverse gear on the ATOMIC FOUR is lubricated by pressure a drilled hole in the crankshaft and it also runs in a bath of oilOPERATION When the reverse gear lever is pushed forward into the Go Ahead positionit pushes the friction cone backward thereby spreading the fingers and causing the back ofthe fingers to engage the friction plungers which in turn press the discs together This in turnacts as a solid connection between the motor and the propeller shaftTo reverse the boat pull the reverse gear lever backward When the lever is pulled backwardthe action clamps the broke bond to the reverse gear drum and power is then the internal gears in the reverse direction thus reversing the propeller THE FORWARD DRIVEIf the gear slips in the forward drive back out the lockscrew No 74 until the end of it isclear just of the notch in the adjusting collar No 28 now turn collar to the right until the lockscrew No 76 is in line with one of the notches in the adjusting collar No 28Then tighten up the lockscrew No 76 and be sure that the end of screw enters the notch inthe adjusting collar No 28 Repeat this procedure until the reverse gear holds on the forwarddrive An adjustment of one or two notches is usually ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 32FOR THE REVERSE DRIVEPull the lever into the reverse position Then tighten up the adjusting bolt No 330 until thebrake band clamps or grips the gear drum No 1 and holds it from revolving It is well toscrew up this adjusting bolt No 330 a little tighter than is necessary This will compensatefor any wear on the brake bond The lock wire holds the adjusting bolt nut and keeps it sure that the shifting control actually engages and disengages the forward andreverse action of the clutch and reverse gear Unless these contacts are properly wear will result involving annoyance and tie remote control shifting lever into forward position as far as it will go Thendisconnect the short reverse gear lever and see if it can be shifted further forward If this canbe done the connection should be changed so as to permit the remote control shifting leverto throw tire gear shift lever as fear forward as ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 33PREPARING ENGINE FOR SPRING of the engine should include all these items of overhaul necessary to permit of the engine Many engines properly serviced in the spring will give a full season ofcarefree pleasure The amount of effort to be expended will be determined somewhat by the storageof layup procedure of the previous fall Refer to preparations for starting the engine for the first time1Tighten all nuts and bolts to proper torque Replace all drain plugs and caps2Manifold Replace drain plug Check manifold bolts for tightness since some gaskets shrinkmore than others3Water Pump Close drain cock and replace drain plug Lubricate pump by grease cupsReplace packing if required DO NOT OPERATE PUMP WITHOUT System Remove all oil from oil pan and reverse gear housing Refill withquantity specified in Lubrication Remove spark plugs Pour one or two ounces of oil in cylinders to lubricate wallsrings etc turn engine over without spark plugs in place6Valves and tappets Check and lubricate if required Remove seal over breather tube Clean and lubricate as required Remove any moisture seals Clean and setdistributor points8Spark plugs clean spark plugs and reset gap to 035 Replace burned or broken plugs9Ignition wires Replace damaged or brittle ignition wires High tension electrical good operation of Motor See that the starter pinion is clean and lubricated with light oil Remove anymoisture seals Lubricate bearings Clean commutator and brushes with sandpaper Do notuse emery Does not require any special care or Reinstall fully charged batter Clean the cable terminals and fasten securely to cleanbattery terminals Coat terminals with vaseline or grease to reduce corrosion and then attachbattery cables13Fuel system See that fuel system is clean and free from scale sludge or obstructions Drainout any water that has accumulated in tanks or fuel lines Check over for loose any found Remove cover from carburetor air intake Oil carburetor choke andthrottle carburetor air intake Oil carburetor choke and throttle shafts Check for easyoperation Clean flame system remove moisture seal15Turn engine over by hand with the spark plugs out to see that all bearings are free16With boat in water check freedom of propeller shaft in bearings and alignment of propellershaft with stuffing box just enough to stop leakage along shaft Excessive tightening will causepower loss and burned stuffing motor thoroughly and ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 34PREPARING ENGINES FOR WINTER STORAGENeglect in preparing an engine for winter storage may lead to annoying or costly damage whichwill not be seen until the engine is prepared for use the following spring The engine should becarefully covered to give complete protection from rain and snow Drain completely to avoiddamage from freezing1Fog the engine Run the engine at about 800 RPM and using about 4 ounces of oil slowlypour it into the carburetor to coat the combustion chamber and cylinder walls Stall the engineby pouring the last two ounces in rapidly Also add about two tablespoons of oil in eachcylinder through spark plug system The oil pan and lubrication system should be drained of old orcontaminated oil so that any moisture or acid present in the oil will not cause during winter Two or three quarts of new clean oil should be pumped through thesystem by turning the motor by hand or electric starter This should distribute a film of cleanoil to act as a rust preventive Regular rust preventive oils can be blocks A pipe cap is found on the distributor side of the engine Remove and A pipe plug will be found in the right side and to the rear end of the Remove and leave out5Water Pump Pumps are particularly susceptible to damage from freezing because of therestricted space and clearances The pump should be carefully drained by loosening the coverThe pump should be dry during the system Remove the battery and store it at the boat yard or at your local batterydealer Loosen the distributor cap for ventilation and protect all other electrical parts System All gasoline should be drained from carburetor fuel pump feed lines filtersand tanks This is to prevent development of sludge or gum in the system The carburetor airintake should be covered by waterproof paper or cloth and sealed to prevent entrance ofmoisture into engine by way of the intake valves that are open8Exhaust system Exhaust pipes should be drained free of water Allow the exhaust pipes todry out Seal exhaust pipe end to prevent entrance of moisture into the engine throughexhaust valves that are open9Rust prevention exposed metal parts liable to rust should be coated with grease or rustpreventive ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 35WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE PROPERLYThe following suggestions will be of assistance in locating and remedying motor troubles They arealso mentioned to assist the operator in making emergency repairs However when serious troubleoccurs a competent service man should be calledThe operation of a motor depends primarily on three factors an unfailing fuel supply and good compression Failure of either the first two will prevent starting or cause loss ofpower It may also cause difficult starting or sudden stoppingIf a motor which has previously been operating satisfactorily refuses to start or stops with but slightwarning and without the noise of a breaking part it is reasonable to assume that either the fuelsupply has been cut off or the ignition has failed The first step should therefore be to determine whichof the two systems is at faultFIRSTSee that there is gasoline in the tank Use regular is possible to have plenty of fuel and still be unable to fill the carburetor Thismay be caused by too small a vent hole in the gasoline tank cap The gasoline pipemay be air bound Test the carburetor by uncoupling the pipe at the If the fuel does not flow freely the fuel line may be plugged Blow or runa wire through the pipe to clean it The strainer in the fuel pump or in the carburetormay also be a carburetor by overusing the choke may cause the moisture to become toorich In this instance remove the spark plugs and turn the engine over for water in the fuel If water is found clean the fuel tank fuel pump fuel lineand for an air leak in the intake manifold This can be easily tested by squirting oilaround the intake connectionsIf the fuel system is OK check as follows for ignition sure the ignition switch is turned to the ON for a fouled or broken spark plugUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 36THIRDCheck for weak spark If a bright spark jumps across the gap between the two pointsof the plug when the engine is turned over the ignition system is undoubtedly inworking order This may be verified by making the same test with each wire Thegap between the spark plug points should be approximately 035 or the thicknessof a thin for a broken electrical cause may be due to a ground Poor installation will cause a ground Be sure allelectrical wires are clean and well insulated SIXTHPoor contact at distributor breaker may be out of timeUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 37TROUBLE SHOOTINGA gasoline engine depends upon three main factors for proper operation an unfailing fuel ignition and good compression When any one of these are not present or present engine failure will result The following trouble shooting information is designed tohelp the operator locate and overcome some of the most probable causes of engine failure orimproper operation Probable Causes are listed in the most likely order of occurrence Only onecorrection should be attempted at a time and that possibility eliminated before going on to the nextTROUBLE SHOOTING PROBABLE will not Discharged BatteryCharge or replace batterycrank engineCorroded battery terminals Clean TerminalsLoose connection in startingCheck and tighten all starting switch Replace switchStarter motor brushed dirty Clean or replace brushesJammed Bendix gear Loosen starter motor to free gearDefective Starter MotorReplace MotorStarter motor turnsPartially discharged battery Charge or replace battery but does not crank wiring or wiring ofCheck wiring for worn acid spotstoo low capacityBroken Bendix DriveRemove starter motor and repair driveEngine will not Empty fuel tankFill tank with proper EngineRemove spark plugs and crank engineseveral times Replace plugsWater in fuel systemIf water is found clean tank fuel linesand carburetor Refill with or sticking chokeCheck valve linkage and choke rodvalve or cable for proper adjusted ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 38Clogged fuel lines or fuel line at carburetorfuel pumpIf fuel does not flow freely whenengine is cranked clean fuel line andsediment bowl If fuel still does notflow freely after cleaning repair orreplace pumpEngine will not Air leak around intake manifoldCheck for leak by squirting oil aroundstart Poor intake connections If leak is and tighten manifold and if necessaryother causesreplace gasketsLoose Spark PlugsCheck all plugs for proper seatinggasket and tightness Replace alldamaged plugs and gasketsLoosely seating valvesCheck for broken or weak valvesprings warped stems carbon andgum deposits and insufficient cylinder headCheck for leaks around gasket when Gasketengine is cranked If a leak is foundreplace gasketWorn or broken piston ringsReplace broken and worn ringsCheck cylinders for 223out of engine No water circulation for clogged water lines inlets and outlets Checkfor broken or stuck thermostat Lookfor worn or damaged water pump orwater pump driveEngine temperature Broken or stuck thermostattoo low Engine will not start Ignition switch on switch or or broken spark plugsRemove plugs and inspect for dirty points or ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 39Improperly set worn or pitted Remove center wire from points Defective cap and hold within 38 of motorignition coilblock Crank engine Clean sharpspark should jump between wire andblock when points open Clean andadjust points If spark is week oryellow after adjustment at pointsreplace condenser If spark still isweak or not present replace cracked or broken inside surfaces of distributorDry with clean cloth Inspect forcracked or broken parts Replaceparts where set worn or pitted Remove spark plug wire and hold magneto breaker points within 38 of engine block CleanMagneto models onlysharp spark should jump between wireand block when engine is cranked Ifspark is weak or not present clean andadjust breaker set worn or pittedRemove spark plug wire and holdtimer points Defective coil orwithin 38of engine block A and defective sharp spark should jump and block when engine iscranked Clean and set timer pointsIf spark still is not present when engineis cranked replace coilImproper timingAdjust timingNo Oil gauge or tubeReplace gauge or tubeNo oil in engineRefill with proper grade oilDirt in pressure relief valveClean valveDefective oil pump leak in oilCheck oil pump and oil pump driveLines or broken oil pump oilfor worn or broken or oil pump driveLoss of RPM Damaged propellerBoat or associated Bent engine to shaftToo tight stuffing box boat bottomClean ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage or preignitionSee correction under misfiring foundation orfoundation boltsPropeller shaft out of line bent or pitch out spark plugsCheck all spark plugs for burned electrodes orelectrodes out of adjustment Replaceall defective plugs or clean and resetImproper timingSee instructions for retimingEngine carbonsRemove cylinder head and clean overheatingSee correction under 223Engine Temp224portion of this fuel reachingSee correction under Engine willengine due to dirty linesnot of this tablestrainer or blacked fuel tankvent Water in fuelPoorly adjusted distributorSee correction under Engine will notstart portion of this tableLow Oil PressureToo light body oilReplace with proper weight oilOil leak in pressure lineInspect all oil lines Tighten or broken pressure reliefReplace springvalve springWorn oil pumpReplace pumpWorn or loose bearingsOil Pressure tooToo heavy body oilDrain oil and replace with oil of highproper weightStuck pressure relief valveClean or replace valveDirt or obstruction in linesDrain and clean oil system Check forbent orflattened oil lines and replacewhere in oilInfrequent oil changes Drain and refill with proper weight oilWater in oilDrain and refill If trouble persistscheck for cracked block defectivehead gasket and cracked headDirty oil filterReplace filer if one is mounted ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 41A FINAL WORDUniversals interest in both customer and product continues long after the engine is installed Withinthe limits of our specifications the companys service department is ready to serve your maintenanceand repair needs quickly In addition all Universal factory personnel will promptly answer maintenance installation or special adaptionsIf you will use judgment and care in operating your Universal engine use sufficient quantities of therecommended lubricants stay on the alert for the first signs of trouble and contact you need aid the life and usefulness of your Universal power package will be ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 42SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUAL FORATOMIC 4MARINE ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 43GENERAL manual provides service information and repair procedures for your Atomic 4 marine engineHow well your engine will continue to deliver the performance originally built into it depends on theservice and care it receives The information provided is adequate for performing all and carrying out repairs to the level of a minor overhaul Detailed disassembly repair andassembly procedures are provided in stepbystep format Where repair is impractical for the this is indicated A dealer or other repair shop should carry out complex repairs For boatowners who are installing an Atomic 4 engine to replace an existing engine of another make thismanual provides information on major installation considerations such as engine dimensions exhaustsystems and manual is divided into nine INFORMATION provides general specifications a description of the engine andcomponents safety considerations preparation of new engines engine breakin and engine changes engine serial number locations and sparerepair parts AND LUBRICATION details the procedures to keep your engine at peakoperating efficiency and procedures for spring commissioning and winter SYSTEM gives information on the operation maintenance and repair or theelectrical system components and wire sizes for auxiliary equipmentFUEL SYSTEM deals with the fuel supply system including electrical and mechanical hid pumpsCOOLING SYSTEM provides data on the operation and maintenance of the cooling systemENGINE contains information necessary to carry out a minor overhaul and replace the main such as piston rings valves and AND REDUCTION GEAR DRIVES gives information on adjustment andmaintenance of these INFORMATION provides information for diagnosing engine troubleexhaust systems engine alignment propeller selection shaft stuffing box refueling parts and toolsUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage lists all engine dimensions wear limits torque values and CAUTIONS AND NOTES are used throughout to emphasize important inserts generally precede the applicable text or instruction and do not contain procedural stepsWarnings cautions and notes are used to highlight information as operating procedure practice etc which if not correctly followed could result inpersonal operating procedure practice etc which if not strictly observed could result indamage to operating procedure or condition which is essential to OF ENGINEThe Atomic4 is an in4ine four cylinder fourcycle engine of conventional design and engines have side valves mounted in replaceable guides Valves operate off a by solid lifters tappetsThe cylinder block is cast iron with cast cylinder walls for maximum strength The cylinders have afull length waterjacket to minimize hot spots The cast walls permit more uniform heat absorptionand dissipation which allows equal expansion and contraction sufficient for heavyduty operation andless frequent overhaulsA waterjacketed castiron manifold contains the air intake and exhaust are aluminum alloys with two compression rings and one oil control ring above the piston pinThe forged alloy crankshaft runs in two large diameter aluminumtin bearingsThe engine is pressure lubricated by a geartype oil pump driven directly off the crankshaft An oilpressure adjustment is provided in the cylinder blockUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 45The fuel system includes an electric fuel pump mechanical fuel pump on engines before serial No202987flame arrester is fitted at the carburetor throatThe water pump is driven off the accessory drive and circulates cooling water through the engine andexhaust system A special threespring thermostat located in the cylinder head controls temperature while permitting a constant supply of water to the exhaust systemThe electrical system is an 12volt negativeground system Main components arean alternator with solidstate regulator starter distributor and ignition coilAll engines are equipped with transmissions providing forward as well as reverse drive Three finaldrive arrangements are available directdrive 21 reduction drive or Vdrive with are factorytested on a dynamometer under load conditions After testing each engine isfogged and drained of oil and water prior to ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 46SAFETY of power driven vessels requires attention to safety procedures and potentially Some of the major conditions that operators should be aware of are listed belowFumes and vapours are heavier than air and can collect in the bilge therefore the vessel should beclosed up when refueling to prevent vapours from entering the cabin Also the condition of the fuelsystem should be checked as often as possible to detect any gasoline leakage which must be the engine is started An approved before attempting to start the engine Do not operate the engine with the from the carburetor intakeOpen FlamesDuring periods of charging leadacid batteries give off hydrogen gas which combines with air to forma potentially explosive atmosphere Open flames or sparks should be kept away from batteries at System LeaksOne of the main products of combustion from gasoline engines is carbon monoxide a gas which is harmful if inhaled Care should be taken to ensure that the engine exhaustsystem is gastight to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide gas in the cabin Passengers shouldnot be permitted to sleep below when the engine is engine and engine compartment should be kept clean and free from oil or oilsaturated ragsWhen carrying out routine maintenance and inspection check for leaks and correct them of dirty cloths after useMoving PartsIn some instances it may be necessary to carry out some maintenance or repair operation while theengine is running Take special care to avoid the exterior rotating elements such as the and pulleys and shaft ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 47Electrical shocks can occur from the charging or ignition systems if electrical components are shortedout when the engine is operating Be careful not to ground the positive terminal of the FOR STARTING ENGINE See Fig 1 and 2All engines are factory tested for at least three hours prior to delivery After testing engines aredrained of water and oil and fogged with a rustinhibiting oil Before starting new engines thefollowing should be OilAdd 3 to 5 quarts of SAE3O or 10W30 detergent oil depending on the engine model arid angle ofinstallation of the boat Reductiongear units and transmissions are supplied with oil from the enginesupply For engines equipped with Vdrive units special oil must be added ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 48FIGURE 1UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 49FIGURE 2UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 50Engine Drain PlugsCheck that all drain plugs are installed two on the engine block and one each on the manifold andwater pumpCooling Water SupplyA continuous water supply s required for engine and exhaust system cooling A seacock should beinstalled at the throughhull water fitting The water pump suction and discharge connections are 38inch diameter as is the water discharge connection at the rear of the manifold Water pump suctionhose should be suitable for full vacuum service ie not run the engine without a water supply or the water pump impeller will bepermanently damagedMake sure that the seacock is open and the water pump shaft is lubricated see Figure 3Figure 3Choke and Throttle LinkageRemove the flame arrester and check that the choke butterfly valve in the carburetor throat fullyopens and closes when the choke control is operated see Figure 4attempting to start the engine Operate the throttle control to make sure that there is free movementfrom idle to full throttle ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 51FIGURE 4 ADJUSTING CHOKE BUTTERFLY VALVESTARTING ENGINEBefore attempting to start your engine the following preliminary checks should be carried out1Ventilate the engine compartment by turning on blower fan and opening hatches Runthe blower fan for at least five minutes2Open fuel shutoff valve Check fuel system for leaks3Turn on battery isolator switch4Open seacock to provide cooling water to water pump5Check oil level in engine and Vdrive unit oil level should be between marks water pump seats by turning grease cup cover in 34 turn7Pull out choke control8Set throttle at 14 open position9If equipped with exhaust shutoff valve open valveCAUTIONDo not operate the starter for more than 152O seconds cooling water enters during cranking and may back up into the engine when cranking is stopped ifmuffler on ignition switch and start engine11When engine starts slowly push choke control all the way in12Adjust throttle for idling speed of 6001000 rpm fast idle13Check oilpressure gauge reading oil pressure should be 3545 psi for cold ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 5214Check for discharge of cooling water at exhaust fitting temperature gauge readingshould gradually rise to 140160 degrees F15Allow engine to run for ten minutes if gauge readings are engine and check oil level Add oil if required to bring level within marks on RUNNINGIN PERIODFor new engines some care should be taken for the first 10 hours of operation in order to properlybreak in components such as bearings piston rings and valvesOperate your engine at approximately threequarters 1500 rpmproper running in of the engine Do not allow the engine to idle for extended lengths of time duringthe breakin periodAfter this initial 10hour operating period change the engine oil refer to Chapter 2 MaintenanceA suitable cruising speed for most installations is about 2000 rpm 80 of maximum engine OPERATION1When shifting into forward or reverse engine speed should be 6001000 rpm fastidle2Do not open the battery circuit or change batteries when the engine is running as thiscan cause alternator or regulator check engine gauges for proper readings Readings should be within thefollowing rangesOil pressureengine cold3545 psiengine warm1025 psi at idle2535 psi at 2400 rpmWater temperature 140160 degrees FAmmeter0 50 ampsUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 53SIGNIFICANT ENGINE manufacturer incorporates design improvements periodically to reflect the best current practicesfor marine engines Some modifications are minor while others have been major Listed below are thesignificant changes made to dateUp to Serial No79475 all parts Dole thermostat on manifold Prestolite ignitionSerial No79476 through No170508 new style engine not interchange able with above Holley thermostat in head Delco Remy ignition Zenith Series 61 No170509 and later Motorola alternator Zenith Series 68 No171514 and later valve chamber oil line deletedSerial No174340 and later Oberdorfer water pump inter No174802 and later new style valvesSerial No176500 and later revised valve guide tolerances 3150 3145Serial No192787 and later new style flywheel and coverSerial No202987 electric fuel pump and low oil pressure switchENGINE SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONSAn engine identification plate is located on the flywheel cover or on the manifold In addition theengine number is cast into the engine block on the right side below the carburetor and on housingSPARE AND REPAIR PARTSWhen ordering parts from your dealer always order by engine model and serial number since changesare made to engines from time to time If possible compare new parts to old before purchasing themIf they are not identical have the dealer explain the differenceA special onboard spare parts kit is available The kit contains parts required for emergency needssuch as contact points spark plugs water pump impeller and alternator drive belt You can obtainthe onboard spare parts kit from your Atomic4 dealer Dealers are located throughout Canada andthe United States They have an ample inventory of parts and can provide prompt expert service forthe maintenance and repair of your ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 54GENERAL type Inline 4cylinder LheadBore 2562 inchesStroke 3125 645 cubic Ratio 631Brake Horsepower 303500 rpmEngine Rotation viewed from flywheel end of engineFinal Drive Ratio Directdrive 1 to 2 to 1Vdrive 129 to 1167 to I or2 to 1Fuel Reg grade gasoline 9094 Oil EngineSAE3O or 10W30Vdrive 90 gear oilSpark Plugs Champion US 14 mmFiring Order 1243Weight dryModel 5101 310 lbs5102 330 lbs5103 335 lbsOverall length Model5102 3218 inches5103 36 inchesOverall height All models 19516 inchesOverall width All models 18316 inchesMaximum OperatingAngle fore to aft15 Pressure 90125 psi all spark plugs removed and throttle openUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage ensure good performance dependability and safety regular maintenance of your engine isnecessary This chapter outlines routine checks and periodic maintenance required under normalservice Engines operating for extended periods or in severe service may require more and maintenance Regular attention to maintenance requirements will help repairsA systematic engine tuneup procedure is provided at the end of this chapterROUTINE CHECKSThe following checks should be performed at least every two weeks1Engine oil Oil level should be checked with the engine warm and should he betweenthe two marks on the dipstick never below or above Add oil if necessary Oil levelwill vary from engine to engine based on the angle of installation Water in thecrankcase will cause the oil to turn a gray or milky colour If your engine is equippedwith Vdrive also check oil drive belt see Figure 5belt should be carried aboard3Water pump see Figure 6grease cup is turned in as Off as it will go it should be refilled Use a good grade ofwater pump grease4Fuel oil or water leaks daily check the engine and oil and water lines for leaks Fuelleaks must be corrected before attempting to start the wires and electrical connections Check for cracked insulation loose orcorroded connections or wires which may have been accidentally damaged6 Shaft coupling bolts Inspect the bolts fastening the engine shaft couplings Thesebolts should be tight at all timesUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 56 Figure 5 Figure 67Water intake seacock If equipped check that the seacock operates freely and thatthe valve can be easily closed if requiredA general inspection of the engine accessories should be made In particular check thecondition of the cables and system and choke controls and linkage4shift lever and shaft stuffing box6engine mounting bolts7flexible Engine OilThe oil change interval will vary depending on the type of use the engine gets If operation is primarilyfor short periods of time change the oil more frequently As a general rule under normal use the oilshould be changed every two months and before winter layup Detergent type oil should be usedUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 57To change oil1Warm engine to operating dipstick and insert engine sump pump tube3Transfer oil to disposal engine until dipstick shows full 3 to 5 US quarts or 3 to 5 litres depending onengine model and angle of oil level after rerunning engine Top up oil if required Do not overfill as thiscan cause oil leaksServicing Water Pump see Figure 6Lubrication of the water pump seals is provided from the grease cup located on the pump tighten the cup until some resistance is felt to force the grease into the drive shafthousing When the grease cup cannot be turned further in refill with a good grade of water for dismantling and repairing the water pump are contained in Chapter 4Carburetor Flame ArresterThe flame arrester fitted at the carburetor throat should be removed and cleaned occasionally topermit an unrestricted air supply to the carburetorThe flame arrester is easily removed by loosening the clamp screw and pulling the unit off thecarburetor throat Clean by soaking in mineral spirits and allow to dry If available use compressedair to assist SystemThe ignition system is comprised of a highvoltage coil condenser breaker points distributor sparkplugs and wiring all of which must function properly on a continuous basis to providea strong spark at the spark plugsThe condition of the hightension coil and condenser can only be tested using electrical For this reason it is wise to carry a spare condenser and coil on boardNote that if the ignition key has been left 221ON for an extended period without the engine runningthe coil can be burned outUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 58Periodic maintenance of the ignition system and regapping or replacement of spark plugsvisual inspection of breaker points for condition and replacement if check of hightension wires for condition resetting of ignition timingSpark Plug plugs should be examined and cleaned or replaced at least once a year1Remove spark plugs and examine for condition If electrodes are badly worn orporcelain insulator is damaged replace the spark plugs2Clean electrodes with a stiff wire brush and regap to 035 using a feeler gauge seeFigure 83Replace plugs and tighten with fingers Torque plug to 30 ft lbs approx 114 turnusing a spark plug socket wrenchENGINE TUNEUPTo ensure troubleflee operation an engine tuneup should be carried out at least once per in the spring for boats which have been laid up through the winter The following taskscomprise a minor tuneup adequate to produce proper performance from your engine1Clean and regap spark plugs Replace if badly worn2Change engine oil if not done before winter layup3Replace ignition points and condenser refer to Chapter 34Examine and adjust alternator drivebelt Replace if frayed refer to Chapter 35Examine ignition hightension wiring Replace if cracked or brittle6Clean fuel pump sediment bowl if mechanical fuel pump fitted see Chapter 47Replace or clean fuel filter if fitted8Check choke and carburetor mixture settings adjust throttle for proper engine idlespeed refer to Chapter 49Check water pump lubrication cup and add grease if requiredA major tuneup comprises all the foregoing and the following additional overhaul refer to Chapter 4UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 59FIGURE 8 SPARK PLUG valve tappet clearances refer to Chapter 612Reset ignition timing refer to Chapter 3PREPARATIONS FOR SPRING SERVICEProper preparation of your engine in the spring will contribute to a full season of reliable operationIf the crankcase oil was changed the previous fall before layup it is not necessary to change the oilagain In preparation for operation carry out the following steps1Replace three drain plugs see Figures 1 and 22Adjust alternator drivebelt for correct tension see Figure 53Tighten water pump cover and lubricate pump by turning grease cup in one to oneand a half turnsCAUTIONDo not operate engine until a water supply is available to the water pump4Remove spark plugs and pour about two tablespoons of oil into each cylinder turnengine over by hand with ignition offgap plugs to 035 replace plugs and tighten to 30 ft lbs finger tight plus 14 turn5Remove distributor cap and clean cap and distributor clean and reset breaker pointsrefer to Chapter 36Examine hightension wires to coil and spark plugs for damage or brittleness replaceif required7Check hose connections for tightness including Vdrive cooler propeller shaft if fully charged battery remove cover from exhaust outlet turn on fuel supplyto engine and check for leaks open water pump ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 60PREPARATIONS FOR WINTER STORAGEIn areas where boats are hauled for storage over the winter proper preparations will avoid damageand assure troublefree startup next season Before the boat is hauled change the crankcase oil Thisis best done afloat since the engine should be at operating temperature before draining the oil Refillthe crankcase with the required amount of fresh oil and run the engine for a few minutes to distributethe oil By changing the oil prior to storage residual acids and moisture are removed and the engineis better protected against internal corrosion during the layup periodAfter haulout carry out the following steps1Remove the three drain plugs located as shown in Figures 1 and 22Loosen the cover on the water pump to drain the remaining water from the pump3Drain the exhaust system4Remove the spark plugs and add about two tablespoons of fresh engine oil to eachcylinder turn the engine over by hand with ignition offoil replace spark plugs the two alternator mounting bolts and release the tension from the drive beltsee Figure 56Shut off fuel supply7Top up the fuel tank to minimize the carburetor intake and exhaust system outlet to prevent moisture fromentering the engine by way of open valves9Drain water from the Vdrive cooler by removing the inlet hose replace hose batteries and store to prevent the distributor cap for exposed metal parts with grease or rust the engine to provide wooden vessels it is advisable to disconnect the propeller shaft from the engineto allow for hull movement during ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 61ELECTRICAL SYSTEMThis chapter includes descriptions and service procedures for the ignition starting and of your engine Also included is information on battery testing and maintenance location offuses and engine wiring SYSTEMThe ignition system consists of the battery ignition switch ignition coil distributor spark plug andassociated wiringTheory of OperationTwo separate circuits the primary system The low tension circuit includes the battery distributor points low voltage ignitioncoil winding and the condenser The high tension circuit includes the distributor rotor and cap highvoltage winding of the ignition coil the hightension wires and the spark plugsWhen the ignition is on current from the battery flows to the lowvoltage winding of the coil throughthe contact points in the distributor Alternate opening and closing of the contact points causes thecurrent flow to stop and start producing a fluctuating buildup and collapse of the magnetic field inthe lowtension winding of the coil This fluctuating magnetic field induces a highvoltage currentin the secondary winding of the ignition coil which is transmitted to the spark plug via the rotor andcontacts in the distributor cap A condenser is wired across the breaker points to reduce arcing at thepoints when the lowtension magnetic field in the coil collapses FIGURE 9 ADJUSTING IGNITION POINT GAPUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 62IGNITION SYSTEM COMPONENT Point which show only a slight discolouration and are not badly pitted should be cleaned with aspecial contact point file and reset to 018020 gap To replace the contact point as certain that the ignition switch is off1Remove distributor cap held by two doubleslotted screws which remain with cap2Pull rotor off shaft to allow access to contact negative terminal and condenser wire terminal from the inner portion of theinsulated bracket see Figure 94Remove screw holding contact assembly and remove assembly by gently liftingupward When installing new assembly be sure to press tightly into position ondistributor plate mounting stud5Position condenser bracket so that condenser is clear and not touching connectors from the condenser and the negative post on coil onto the springloaded terminal in assembly lightly in midposition of adjusting slot8Turn the engine over by hand until one of the four cams on thedistributor opens the points to maximum Using a feeler gauge adjust point openingwith screwdriver in adjusting slot to provide 018 to 020 gap rotor and capNOTEIt is recommended that the contact assembly and condenser be replaced at the same time toreduce the risk of pitting on point contact Coil ignition off disconnect the wires from the negative and positive terminals of the coil removethe hightension wire and loosen the two bracket bolts and the bracket clamp screwSpark Plug to Chapter 2 Maintenance for details of spark plug servicing and ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 63STARTER see Figure 101Disconnect the battery ground the battery cable from the starter solenoid the wire from the starter starting motor while removing mounting bolts3Remove two mounting bolts and withdraw starting motor from flywheel is the reverse of removalFIGURE 10 STARTER MOTOR and ServiceTo inspect the condition of the gear drive commutator and brushes the motor must be Remove the solenoid and end cap to expose the brushes Pull on the brushes to ensurethat they slide freely in their holders If the flexible lead is nearly touching the metal holder the brushesshould be replaced Examine the commutator for wear or scoring Service to the solenoid and startershould be carried out by a dealer or repair shopUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 64ALTERNATOR AND VOLTAGE REGULATORThe alternator generates alternating current ACsilicon diodes The voltage regulator controls the rate of charge and repair of these units requires special equipment not ordinarily available to the If malfunction occurs remove the units and take to a dealer or competent repair shopCommon problems and probable causes of alternator and voltage regulator malfunctions are1Screaming during acceleration The Vbelt is loose or has deteriorated or bothTighten or growling The bearing on the pulley end of the shaft is defective Have doesnt charge Loose Vbelt defective brushes or slip rings defective regulator blown rectifier diodes open field circuit to regulatoropen circuit between alternator and battery open circuit between regulator charge Loose Vbelt poor connections loose mounting hardwareand poor ground high charging rate Defective ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 65Removal battery or disconnect positive cable at two wires and tag for reinstallation see Figure 113Remove mounting and belt tension adjusting bolts and drive is the reverse of removal5Adjust drive belt tension by moving alternator away from engine until drive belt canbe deflected 275 to 34 inch Tighten adjustment and mounting bolts see Figure 5FIGURE 11 ALTERNATOR TIMING spark plug from No1 cylinder at flywheel end of engine2Place thumb over spark plug hole and turn engine by hand until is felt3Turn flywheel in normal cranking direction exactly verticalNo1 piston is now at topdeadcenter TDCNOTEDo not lift distributor which will disengage distributor drive gear or complete retimingmay be distributor clamp bolt and rotate distributor body until breaker points arejust beginning to open5Tighten distributor clamp bolt Engine is now roughly timedUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 666Replace and fasten distributor cap Number I spark plug wire goes into theconnection directly above the flat on the distributor body at which the rotor ispointing The remaining three high tension wires are inserted in the distributor capin the proper firing order 12437Final timing adjustment must be made with the engine running8With engine running at a fixed speed loosen distributor and rotate for maximumengine RPM at that throttle setting Retighten distributor clamp MAINTENANCE Removal see Figure 121Remove the distributor cap held by two doubleslotted screws which remain the wire connected to the coil negative the clamping bolt at the base of the not rotate the engine after removing the the position of the distributor in relation to the engine to in the same relative distributor from engineFIGURE 12 DISTRIBUTOR ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage the distributor for cracked broken or worn parts including and for excessive burning Replace all defective parts2Clean all parts with carbon the distributor in the same position as it was when distributor clamping boltBATTERY MAINTENANCEThe battery supplies current to the starter and electrical system while starting the engine After theengine starts the alternator supplies all the current required to keep the engine running and the current supply drained from the battery during startingThe stateofcharge of the battery is indicated by the specific gravity of the battery solution Checkthe specific gravity with a hydrometer to determine the condition of the battery A battery which isused in tropical climates where freezing rarely occurs is supplied with a weaker acid in lower specific gravity values A high specific gravity affords the best protection A difference in specific gravity between cells of 20 and 25 indicates battery trouble andthe possibility of early failure especially in cold weatherRapid loss of battery solution is an indication that the battery is being overcharged The alternatorand voltage regulator should be checked and adjusted to provide the specified testing is the most effective way of determining battery condition Use a hydrometer withnumbered graduations from 1100 to 1300 To test the cell squeeze the rubber ball insert the tip intothe cell and release the ball see Figure 13float in the hydrometer Note the number on the float in line with the surface of the electrolyte fluidReturn the electrolyte to the proper cell and repeat for each cellUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 68FIGURE 13 CHECKING SPECIFIC GRAVITYThe specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell is an accurate indication of the cells conditionRefer to the chart below to determine the condition of the batteryThe fluid level in the cells should fully cover the battery plates Add only distilled water to the batteryKeep open flames and sparks away from of ChargeSpecific ClimatesAbove 1280Fully ChargedAbove 1225 125075 1220 122050 1175 119025 1150 1160Limited Useful Capacity 1120 1130 or lessDischarged 1090 or lessFUSESNote that on later model engines 20 and 10 ampprovide protection for the ignition and blower circuits In addition a 3 5amp fuse is fitted in the wirered connecting the starter solenoid and the ammeter to provide protection for the starter motor seeFigure 14UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 69FIGURE 14 STARTER CIRCUIT FUSEWIRE SIZESCorrect wire size selection is important for safe and proper operation of auxiliary The table below indicates recommended wire size based on total current for the circuitand length of run For battery cables use No I heavy duty cableWIRING DIAGRAMSWiring diagrams are included for engines with and without electric fuel pump 5unit and generator equipped engines see Figures 15 to 18UNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 15 ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAMWITHOUT 16 INSTRUMENT PANEL WIRING ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 71FIGURE 17 ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAMFIGURE 18 ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAMWITH ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 72FUEL SYSTEMThe fuel system consists of the fuel tank and lines fuel pump carburetor flame arrester and intakemanifold Gasoline enters the fuel pump from the tank and is pumped into the carburetor float bowlThe fuel is vaporized in the carburetor and drawn into the engine through the manifold and FUEL SYSTEMThe main components of a typical marine engine fuel system are shown in Figure 19 and 19 TYPICAL FUEL SYSTEMThe fuel tank should be designed for marine use with internal baffle plates and a filler pipeextending to within a few inches of the bottom The outlet should also be on the top of the tankso that if the fuel line fails only a small amount of gasoline will enter the hull A vent connectionmust be provided to allow fumes to escape from the tankOther features of the installation include a replaceable fuel filter and static ground the fuel tank and the fill fitting on deckUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 73FUEL PUMPSFIGURE 20 MECHANICAL FUEL PUMPThe function of the fuel pump is to supply an adequate amount of gasoline to the carburetor for allengine speedsThe mechanical fuel pump is of the diaphragm type operated by a push rod acting off an eccentriccam on the camshaftAt the high point of the cam the pushrod is forced down creating a vacuum above the diaphragmwhich draws fuel from the tank into the pump through the inlet valve The reverse stroke of the pushrod releases the compressed diaphragm spring forcing fuel through the pump outlet valve and intothe carburetor float bowlAfter a number of strokes the carburetor floatbowl fills and the bowl inlet is sealed off by the risingfloat mechanism and the seating of the floatbowl needle valve creating back pressure on the pumpdiaphragm With this back pressure on the diaphragm rocker arm movement is taken up by thelinkage instead of the diaphragm and fuel flow to the carburetor is reduced until the level falls in thefloatbowl at which time additional fuel is required Fuel flow rate continuously fluctuates dependingupon engine engines are equipped with an electric fuel pump operating independently of the engine by meansof an integral electric motorUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 74FUEL PUMP MECHANICALsee Figure 20Defective fuel pumps should be removed and off fuel supply to fuel and dispose of any fuel when fuel lines are disconnected and pump fuel lines at pump inlet and outlet3Remove two mounting bolts securing pump to engine and remove pump4Withdraw pushrod from engine opening5Remove pump sediment bowl screen and gasket Drain pump and bowl anddispose of fuelFUEL PUMP fuel pumps are not repairable in the field A faulty pump must be replaced Note that switch is installed in the fuel pump electric circuit Failure of this switch orwiring will prevent operation of the fuel pumpServicing of the electrical fuel pump is limited to replacement of the disposable filter which isaccessible after removing the lower cap from the pump The filter should be replaced and certain ignition is off2Shut off gas the inlet and outlet fuel lines at the pump and dispose of fuel the pump electrical wire at the lowoilpressure switch5Remove two pump mounting is the reverse of ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage carburetor atomizes and delivers fuel to the engine in the amount and mixture required for alloperating conditions The fuel is vaporized and preheated in the intake manifold before entering thecylinders through the intake valves A flame arrester fitted at the carburetor throat prevents fire fromoccurring from engine backfiring by dissipating heat through a series of curved are of the updraft singleventuri design and allow operation to extreme anglesLater engines after serial No 170509Earlier installations also provide highspeed mixtureFIGURE 21 CARBURETOR IDLE ADJUSTMENTIdle System Adjustment see Figure 211Turn idling adjustment screw in until it seats open one turn to left2With engine running and warm close the throttle until a satisfactory idling speed idling needle valve in rightleft4Set throttle stop screw for desired idling speedUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 76Highspeed Adjustment Series 61 engine running and warm open throttle approximately one third2Loosen packing nut on main jet main jet adjustment to right inthrottle setting will permit4Hold needle valve in this position and tighten packing nutFUEL LEVEL FLOAT SETTINGCorrect setting of the fuel level float located in the carburetor float bowl is essential for proper These floats are factory set for a fuel pump pressure of 2 lbs per sq inch Malfunction ofthe carburetor will sometimes be caused by dirt lodging on the float needle valve seat seating of the needle valve To inspect the setting and condition of the float mechanism thecarburetor bowl cover assembly must be removedFloat settings for Series 61 and 68 bowl cover assembly in an inverted position viewed from free end of float the float bodies mustbe centered and at right angles to the machined surface The float setting is measured from themachined surface no gasketTo increase or decrease distance between float body and machined surface use long nosed pliers andbend lever close to float body Replace float if position is off more than 116 Do not bend twistor apply pressure directly to the float ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 77Choke Setting AdjustmentThe choke consists of a shaft mounted valve located in the carburetor throat and by an external lever The choke is used to restrict air entering the carburetor the suction on the jets for engine starting A poppet valve is provided on the choke plateto admit some air during starting to prevent overchocking or flooding of the engine At startup theengine requires a fuelair mixture ratio much greater than that necessary during normal operation Themixture ratio must be rapidly reduced once the engine starts and is accomplished by set the choke for correct operation engine not running1Loosen choke control cable at carburetor lever and set choke valve in fully choke control fully in tighten control cable clamp at choke control out and check that the choke valve fully if Removal1Shut off fuel fuel inlet line and manifold air choke and throttle cables4Remove two bolts securing carburetor to intake manifold and remove carburetor flange gasket and two mounting bolts2Connect choke and throttle cables3Connect manifold air line and fuel line4Adjust choke and throttle controls5Turn on fuel supply6Check for fuel OverhaulA carburetor rebuilding kit is available from dealers The kit contains parts which normally requireservice along with instructions for overhaul Alternatively carburetors may be serviced at acompetent repair shopUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 78COOLING SYSTEMThe Atomic4 cooling system is comprised of a positive displacement water pump and a thermostatto maintain proper engine operating 22 shows schematically the operation of the cooling system for cold and warm enginesFour important points should be noted regarding the operation of the cooling system1The water pump is designed to operate only when a water source is available to it Ifthe engine is run with the cooling water supply restricted or shut off damage willquickly occur to the rubber water pump impeller2If damage occurs to the rubber water pump impeller one or more blades may breakoff and lodge in the cooling system hoses If the engine is overheating check theimpeller for broken blades and if this has occurred check all cooling water dischargehoses to see if the blades are preventing proper water flow3The thermostat fined is a special 3spring bypass type which functions to providewater to the exhaust system regardless of engine operating temperature Automotivetype thermostats must not be substituted for the factory supplied laying the engine up for storage in below freezing areas the cylinder blockdrain plugs located on the left side of the engine must be removed to positively drainthe cylinder block and head If antifreeze is to be run through the engine as awinterizing fluid one of the engine drain plugs should be removed so that all waterin the cylinder block and head will be displaced by the ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 79FIGURE 22 COOLING SYSTEM SCHEMATICWATER PUMPReplacing Water Pump Impeller and Shaft1Shut off water supply to pump The water pump impeller and shaft may bereplaced without removing the water pump from the engine2Remove pump coverplate held by four retaining screws3Pull impeller and shaft out of water pump are secured to the shaft with a removable pin or circlip4Remove pin or circlip securing impeller to its shaft see Figure is the reverse of ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 80FIGURE 24 WATER PUMP REMOVALIf any impeller blades are missing remove the pump discharge hoses and thermostat housing andinspect for broken blades that may have lodged in the lines and which could cause restrictions andengine Water Pump and Replacing Seals See Figures 24 and 251Shut off water supply to pump2 Remove the water pump from engine by disconnecting the suction and dischargehoses and removing two pump mounting bolts3Remove coverplate and withdraw impeller shaft grease cup and place pump body in vice with shaft opening upward5Remove seals with expanding type seal removal tool If this tool is not available theseals may be removed with an offset tool through the shaft opening Care must betaken not to damage the shaft bore the inner seal first with the lip toward the impeller side then the outer sealwith the lip toward the drive end and flush with the mounting grease cup for free movement of ball and spring and fill with a good grade ofwater pump grease before replacing To lubricate and seal shaft after installation tumis felt to lubricate and seal shaftUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 81FIGURE 25 WATER PUMP CROSS SECTIONENGINE thermostats before engine serial No79476 are of the singlespring type and may be easilyreplaced by removing the two slotted capscrews securing the main housing Always install a newgasket when beginning with Serial No79476 have a special 3spring bypass thermostat installed in thecylinder head This thermostat permits a continuous supply of water to the exhaust system regardlessof engine operating temperature Do not use automotivetype thermostats as replacements for unitssupplied with your engineRemoval and Installation see Figure 261Disconnect water inlet hose on thermostat housing2Remove two thermostat housing nuts and carefully lift housing to expose replacing thermostat be sure it is centred in the housing recess groove4Clean gasket surfaces and instal a new gasket Use only a light covering of sealant ongasket or alternatively soak in warm water prior to ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 82FIGURE 26 THERMOSTAT two housing nuts also function as cylinder head fasteners and must be torqued tocylinder head specifications 35 ft lbs maxtightening of nuts when the thermostat is not seated in the housing recess can result and cracking of the housing5Torque housing nuts to 35 ft lbs housing water inlet hoseUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 83ENGINEThis chapter provides procedures for carrying out adjustments and repair to the level of a minoroverhaul pistons piston rings connection rods and hearings and valvesmanifold and crankcase pan removal If repair or replacement of major components such as thecrankshaft and camshaft or if cylinder reboring is required the engine should be removed forservicing by a competent repair shopADJUSTING VALVE valve tappet clearances must be maintained to prevent valve damage excessive noise and lossof power If clearances are too small valves may be burned or distorted Large clearances result intappet noise In both cases engine power is reducedBefore adjusting valves remove the spark plugs This permits easier engine turning Refer to Figure27 for location of adjusting nut and Chapter 9 Specifications for valve layout Valve are shown in the table belowValve Tappet Clearances Hot fuel pump carburetor see Chapter 4engine2Turn the engine over so that piston No1 is at TDC stroke see Chapter 33Hold the tappet locknut with an openend wrench insert a feeler gauge between thetappet and valve stem and adjust to proper clearance by turning the adjusting nutClockwise increases clearance and reduces wrenches and check that clearance is correct5Rotate engine by hand until piston No2 is at TDC on itscompression stroke and adjust valves Repeat for pistons No4 and 36Reinstal valve inspection cover carburetor and fuel pumpUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 84FIGURE 27 ADJUSTING VALVE AND INSTALLING MANIFOLD see Figure 281Shut off cooling water supply and drain and support exhaust at rear of water outlet hose at rear of manifold and thermostat housing outlet hose4Remove carburetor refer to Chapter 45Disconnect wire at water temperature sending unit6Remove three nuts securing manifold to engine and remove reinstalling manifold thoroughly clean mating surfaces and use a new is the reverse of removal8Torque manifold nuts to 35 ft lbsUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 85FIGURE 28 REMOVING of the cylinder head will only be required when the valves need renewing the engine or a damaged piston or head gasket is suspected It is not usually necessary to take outthe engine to remove the cylinder head depending on available work space To remove the cylinderhead proceed as follows1Shut off the cooling water supply to engine and drain engine2Remove hightension wires from spark plugs3Remove alternator refer to Chapter 34Remove carburetor refer to Chapter 45Remove manifold see the water inlet and outlet hoses at the thermostat housing7Remove 7 head nuts these include the two thermostat housing cylinder head from engine and removeAfter removing the cylinder head cover the engine to protect the machined surface and preventforeign maffer from entering the ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 86Inspection and all carbon from the combustion chambers with a wire brush A or chisel may be used if care is taken2After removing all carbon dean the entire head with solvent Check for cracks Acracked head must be replaced3Using a straight edge check the cylinder head for warping If the head is warped morethan 006 it should be resurfaced or all gasket material from the cylinder head and not remove the carbon ridges at the top of the cylinder bores unless the pistons are to be removed5Clean all carbon from the piston crowns and valves Inspect pistons and valves forwear or damageCheck each cylinder for wear if wear exceeds 0075 cylinders should be rebored for and rings or the engine block should be replacedIf cylinder diameters are satisfactory but minor scratches or glazing is evident restore cylinders togood condition by head gaskets are two head gaskets and cylinder head on engine2Locate alternator bracket thermostat and housing on cylinder head3Install head nuts but do not all head nuts to 35 ft lbs in proper CRANKCASE PAN1Drain oil from engine2Remove reductiondrive or Vdrive unit if two Allenhead bolts at transmission end of engine4Remove starter motor flywheel and flywheel housing5Remove sixteen pan bolts and separate pan from ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 87CAUTIONDo not overtighten pan bolts when 30 INSTALLING is the reversal of removal Clean pan and engine mating surfaces andinstal anew pan gasket Torque flywheel stud nuts to 35 ft lbsREMOVING PISTONS CONNECTING RODS AND and connecting rods may be removed after removal of the cylinder head and crankcase panTo remove piston and connecting rods proceed as follows1Check the top of the cylinder for a carbon ridge If there is a ridge remove it the piston and rod2Remove two nuts securing connecting rod bearing cap and remove cap Note theposition of the cap for reinstallation The lower half of the connecting rod bearinginsert may now be the connection rod from the crankshaft The upper half of the connecting rodbearing insert may now be care not to damage the cylinder wall when withdrawing the connecting rod4Push the piston and connecting rod up and out of the the connecting rod bearing cap on the connecting rodUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 88REMOVAL OF PISTON RINGS AND PINS1Remove piston rings using a ring expander tool2Before removing the piston pin hold the connecting rod firmly and rock the pistonback and forthAny rocking movement do not confuse with sliding of the piston on the pinthat there is wear in the piston pin rod bushing or piston pin bore3Remove the snap rings at each end of the piston pin and press the piston pin out Thisoperation may best be left to your dealer or a machine shop where special equipmentis the piston in solvent and scrape carbon deposits from the top of the piston andring grooves Take care not to damage the piston2Examine the piston for damage and wear Check each ring and groove for bunsdamaged edges and side wear Pay particular attention to the top compression ringwhich usually wears the most3Parts may be measured with a micrometer to determine which are worn and refer to Chapter 9 RING FIT AND the gap of each piston ring by inserting it into its cylinder bore Square it withthe wall by tapping with a piston Insert a feeler gauge as shown in Figure 31 Ringgap should be 007 to 015 If the gap is less than 007 place a small file in a visehold the ends of the ring and enlarge the gap if the gap is greater than 015 checkthe cylinder bore diameter which should be 2562 to 25632Roll each ring around its piston groove to check for binding3Using a ring expander tool carefully install the oil ring then the two the side clearance of each ring in the piston ring groove and compare ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 89FIGURE 31 PISTON RING END GAPCAUTIONTake care not to damage the cylinder hone when inserting connecting rod and pistonNOTEThe piston is installed with the arrow pointing towards the the gaps of the piston rings as shown in Figure 326Coat the piston and ring with clean engine oil Lubricate the pin and bearing andwork rod back and forth to ensure that oil enters the pin beatings7Using a ring compressor start the piston in the cylinder bore and tap the pistonthrough the compressor and into the cylinderFIGURE 32 PITON RING GAP ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 90INSTALLING CONNECTING ROD BEARINGSThe upper rod bearing insert may be installed before the piston is inserted into its cylinder Do notlubricate the surfaces where the rod and insert mate After installing the piston in the cylinder lubricatethe bearing insert rotate the crankshaft so that the respective journal is at bottom dead center andpush the piston down while guiding the connecting rod onto the journal Snap the lower bearing insertinto the rod cap and lubricate Install the cap on the connecting rod and run the cap nuts up until thecap is snug Turn the crankshaft one or two revolutions to center the rod on the journal and torquethe cap nuts to 25 ft lbsREMOVING ENGINEIt may be necessary to remove your engine to carry out major repairs After preparations have beencarried out and the engine has been lifted off its bed note the location of any shims under the enginemounts to facilitate realignment of the engine when it is reinstalled A lifting eye is provided on thecylinder head If engine disassembly is to be done after removal the engine can be by prior removal of the crankcase oil starter alternator manifold cylinder head andreduction gear unit To remove the engine proceed as the negative groundpositive cable at the starter solenoid2Shut off fuel disconnect the fuel line at fuel pump and drain and dispose of fuel fromlines 3Shut off cooling water supply to engine and disconnect hose from suction side ofwater pump4Drain water from the at rear of manifold support exhaust if necessary water discharge hose at rear of wiring harness or individual wires at engine tag wires for line to pressure gauge if equipped drain and dispose of oil from lineshift lever control cable throttle and choke control cables6Remove four engine mounting bolts or nutsUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 91TRANSMISSION Forward Drive see Figure 331Remove four transmission cover plate bolts and cover plate Take care not to damagethe cover plate gasket2Loosen the lock screw until it is clear of the notch in the adjusting collar3Turn collar to the right until the lock screw is in line with one of the notches in 33 ADJUSTING the lock screw malting certain that the end enters the collar notch5Replace cover plate and try engine in forward drive Repeat adjustment until no gearslip occurs on the forward drive An adjustment of one or two notches is to eliminate Reverse Drive see Figure 331Remove four transmission cover plate bolts and cover plate Take care not to damagethe cover plate gasket2With shift lever in neutral tighten adjusting nut two or three flats 13 to 12 turnDo not loosenthe adjusting nut lock spring3Replace cover plate and try engine in reverse drive Repeat adjustment if necessaryto eliminate ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 92Shift Control Linkage AdjustmentWhen shifting into forward or reverse drive there must be positive engagement of the forward orreverse clutch other wise excessive wear will result To check and adjust the shift control linkageproceed as follows1Remove four transmission cover plate bolts and cover plate Take care not to damagecover plate gasket2Place the shift lever in the forward position as far as it will go3Disconnect the linkage from the shift lever and check if the lever can be shifted furtherforward if so adjust the remote shift linkage to permit the shifting lever to moveforward as far as possible and properly engage the forward drive4Repeat adjustment for reverse drive transmission cover and REDUCTION DRIVESYour Atomic4 will be equipped with one of three final drive arrangements direct drive 21reduction and Vdrive with reductionPower is transmitted to the forward clutch or reverse drive gear in the transmission The forwardclutch consists of a number of friction discs which can be clamped together by the pressure plateoperated by toggle arms mounted to the clutch adjustment plate Manual positioning of the forward reverse or neutral shaft output The reverse clutch is operated when the shiftinglever is moved to the rear of the engine thereby clamping the brake 6and to the drum and preventingdrum rotation and causing the tail shaft to be rotated in the opposite direction to the crankshaft Theforward and reverse clutches cannot be activated at the same timeOn models fitted with the reduction gear unit two herringbone gears of different sizes supported byheavyduty bearings function to reduce propeller shaft speed to approximately half of the enginespeed The reduction unit runs in a continuous oil bath supplied from the engine positive and quiet operationThe Vdrive unit is made available to permit engine installation further aft while providing reductionof propeller shaft speed This unit is lubricated and water cooled independently of the engine andrequires very little attention The Vdrive unit is nonadjustable Oil level should be and water hoses and connections inspected from time to time Water must be drainedfrom the unit water jacket for winter ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 93FINAL DRIVE MAINTENANCEThe transmission and reduction gear units require very little attention These components are heavilybuilt and will provide long troublefree service when lubrication requirements adjustments andwinterizing Vdrive unitthe rear oil seal caused by engineshaft misplacement Replacement of these seals should be carriedout by a dealer or competent repair shop having the necessary special equipment for removal The reduction drive units can be easily removed from the engine for seal REDUCTION DRIVE UNIT see Figure 341Disconnect shaft coupling separate coupling halves and move propeller shaft aft twoto three reduction unit while removing mounting boltsNOTEPlace a container under the reduction unit and dispose of engine oil which will be lost whenunit is removed2Remove six mounting bolts separate reduction unit from transmission and lift unit upand back from transmission is the reverse of removal Instal a new housing gasket if necessary4Top up engine oil levelUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 94FIGURE 34 REDUCTION DRIVE VDRIVE REDUCTION shaft the VDrive unit while removing mounting cooling water inlet and outlet hoses3Remove six mounting bolts and separate Vdrive unit from and dispose of unit lubricating is the reverse of removal6Check and add oil as required after ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage chapter contains information on other aspects of your engine including diagnosis of troubleexhaust systems alignment propellers refueling methods recommended spare parts and toolsProper maintenance of the subsystems will increase operating reliability and reduce the need forexpensive repairs and parts TROUBLEYour engine has three main requirements for proper operation a clean adequate fuel supply ignition sparkpresent the engine will not operate reliably The following information will assist the owner indetecting and correcting the most likely causes of engine malfunction When attempting to diagnosethe problem carry out only one procedure at a timeENGINE WILL NOT STARTCause ActionIgnition switch off or defectiveTurn on or replace breaker pointsRemove high tension wire from distributor cap and hold ignition coil or condenser approx 38 from engine block crank engine a clean sharpspark should be present clean and reset breaker points if sparkis yellow after adjustment replace condenser if spark is weakor not present replace ignition coilFouled or broken spark plug Remove inspect clean and regapreplace plugIncorrect timingReset timingFaulty distributor Clean inside of distributor inspect and replace broken or wornpartsDamp ignition system and Dry system and wireshigh tension wiresEmpty fuel tank Fill fuel tankFuel shutoff valve closed Open valveUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 96Flooded engine Remove spark plugs and turn engine over several timesreplace plugsWater in fuel system Clean fuel system and refill tankChoke valve inoperative Check choke valve and control repair adjust as out of adjustment Adjust fuel lines or Clean fuel system repair or replace fuel pumpdefective fuel pumpAir leak at intake manifold Tighten bolts replace gasket if necessaryLoose spark plugsTighten spark plugsPoorly seated valves Check for broken or weak springs bent stems carbondeposits insufficient tappet cylinder head Check for leaks when engine cranked and replace gaskets broken piston rings Replace as necessary Water in engineChange engine oil check for source of water exhaust systemwater pump etcStale fuelDrain and refill fuel tankSTARTER MOTOR DOES NOT batteryCharge battery terminalsClean terminalsPoor connection inClean and tighten all starter switch Replace SwitchDirty starter motor brushes Clean or replace brushesJammed Bendix drive gear Loosen starter motor and free gearUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 97Defective starter solenoid Service or replace solenoidFuse defective35 ampReplace fuse located in red wire between ammeter and ampReplace fuse located behind instrument panel in wire betweenammeter and ignition discharged batteryCharge batteryDamaged Bendix gear in starterRepair gearDefective wiring or wiringCheck and replace as requiredof too low TOO gauge or sender gauge or sending unitDefective water pumpRepair or replace in coolingRemove obstruction check for broken water pump outlet intake seacock closedOpen seacockOil level lowTop up oilEngine needs engineReduce engine rpmEngine timing incorrectReset timingOIL PRESSURE READING TOO gauge sendingRepair or replace unit or oil tubeUNIVERSAL ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 98No oil in engine Add correct grade of oilDirty pressure relief valve Clean valveDefective or worn oil Replace pump or drive tighten oil line connections pump leak in oil lines or broken pump driveOil grade too light or heavy Replace with proper weight oilWeak or broken pressure Replace spring relief springLoose or worn engine bearings Replace bearingsStuck pressure relief valve Clean or replace valve high oil pressureENGINE or preignition Check spark plug condition ignition timing decarbon engineLoose mounting bolts Tighten as requiredEngine out of line Align bent Repairreplace shaftPropeller bent or pitch outoftrue Repairreplace propellerLOSS OF POWERDamaged propeller Repairreplace propellerBent rudder Repairreplace rudderEngine misaligned Align engineStuffing box too tight Adjust packing nutDirty boat bottom CleanIncorrect valve tappet clearances Adjust valve ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 99Sticking valves Free up by applying penetrating oil at valve stems cylinderhead may have to be spark plugs Clean adjust or replace plugsImproper ignition timing Reset timingEngine carbon Remove cylinder head and overheating See Chapter 5 Cooling fuel supplySee Chapter4 Fuel SystemImproper ignition timing Reset timingROUGH ENGINE IDLEBroken valve springReplace dirty or out Clean and adjust carburetorof ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 100EXHAUST SYSTEMSOne of the most important considerations in any engine installation is the exhaust system which mustpermit the exhaust gasses to be released as quietly and efficiently as possible minimize prevent water from entering and reaching the engine itself In addition the exhaust must be keptcool despite the high operating temperatures of the engine A compact and easily serviced system isdesirable because of the restricted space encountered in most sailboatsIn most installations cooling water is discharged after mixing with the exhaust gasses thus aiding inkeeping the exhaust system coolThe waterlift type system see Figure 35being simple to install and repair and its adaptability to most vessels Where possible the mufflershould be located close to and below the engine to minimize the amount of dry exhaust required butin some cases this is not possible and a longer length of asbestos wrapped exhaust pipe must be usedIt should be noted that the waterlift muffler is restricted in the vertical distance that the cooling watercan be liftedENGINE alignment of your engine and drive shaft is essential to keep vibration and noise to a minimumand to reduce engine loading and wear In extreme cases of misalignment the rear seal of or reduction gear can fail causing a significant oil leakTo determine if an alignment problem exists it is necessary to separate the engineshaft couplinghalves and check the clearances between the two halves at the top and bottom and from side to sideusing a feeler gaugeFrom these measurements it is possible to determine to what extent the propeller or engine outputshafts or coupling faces are outoftrue and how much the engine needs to be moved on its mountsto achieve optimum alignmentAny of these three conditions may cause noise and vibration1true shaft couplings engine propeller shaft3outof true ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 101FIGURE 35 TYPICAL EXHAUST SYSTEMIn the first case the misalignment can be corrected by shifting the engine to bring the across the flange faces to as near zero as possible In the second case lining up the enginewith an outof true shaft will result in some remaining vibration or shaft whip which can only beremoved by correcting the bent shaft An outoftrue coupling must be corrected to reduce theproblemThe objective should be to achieve a measured misalignment of no more than 0005 per inch ofcoupling diameter including outoftrueness of shafts or couplings ie 002 for a four inch determine the degree of engine misalignment and out oftrueness of shafts and couplings it isnecessary to mark the couplings measure and record coupling clearances calculate the vertical andhorizontal misalignment and outof trueness determine the trueness of the flange faces and realignthe engine and shaft to within acceptable limitsThe first step is to reduce the misalignment as much as possible Mark the two flanges on the outeredges to provide reference points Using a feeler gauge measure the clearance between the flangesat top bottom and each side and record the measurements The engine misalignment can now becorrected by shifting the engine on its bed and placing shims where required By rotating the and taking measurements at 90 degree increments any shaft or flange face outof trueness canbe detected Engine output shaft bind or flange misalignment can also be discovered by rotating theengine flange and taking measurements If the outoftrueness is found to be excessive greater ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 102PROPELLER SELECTIONIn order to obtain optimum performance from your engine the correct sized propeller must heinstalled Incorrectly sized propellers produce cavitation and a substantial loss in thrust Propellersare identified by diameter and pitch with diameter measured at the tip of the propeller and pitchthe distance travelled in one revolution of the propeller disregarding slippage For slippage may be assumed to be approximately 50 For 2bladed propellers thediameter should be increased by at least 5 Engines with a 21 reduction gear require a largerdiameter propeller to compensate for the slowturning propeller shaft Note that propeller rotationfor all engines with and without reduction unitsSuggested propeller sizes for medium displacement auxiliaries are shown belowPROPELLER SHAFTThe minimum propeller shaft size should be 1 diameter for bronze or steel or 34 diameter ifMonel is used If the propeller shaft is over 5 feet long an intermediate shaft bearing may berequired A zinc anode should be attached to the shaft close to the propeller to protect bothagainst SHAFT STUFFING BOXIn order to seal the opening where the propeller shaft penetrates the hull an adjustable stuffingbox is installed The stuffing box usually consists of a hollow tube mounted in the bull throughwhich the propeller shaft passes After the shaft is installed the box is packed with three or fourrings of suitable sized flax packing and the packing nut tightened by hand After the packing nut ishandtight turn an additional halfturn with a wrench Do not tighten further or the packing maybe crushedWith the engine running and shaft turning check the stuffing box for leakage There should be aslow drip Periodically inspect the stuffing box and adjust the packing nut as necessary to maintaina slight drip When the packing nut can no longer be tightened to provide a slow leak the packingmust be renewed With proper care shaft packing should last two or three ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage care must be taken when refueling and especially when restarting the engine after taking onfuel or when the boat has been left for an extended period Prior to fueling make sure that thereare no open flames such as stoves or cigarettes If possible attempt to position the boat so thatthe fill point is leeward of the companionway so that fumes will be blown away from the boatKeep the nozzle of the Gasoline hose in contact with the fill pipe to prevent a possible staticelectric spark Clean up any fuel spills immediately After fueling is completed run the engineroom blower for at least five minutes When the ambient humidity is high and there are lightbreezes the danger of fumes accumulating in or around the boat is greater Open the and smell for fumes in the bilge before starting the ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 104RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSThe extent of spare parts that should be carried on board will depend on the type of sailing doneand the degree of that the owner wishes to have Vessels used primarily inprotected or coastal waters near urban centres will carry fewer spare parts than those on longtrips for instance on the Intracoastal Waterway or away from areas where parts distributors arenumerous eg the Carribean Islands Mexico etcA spare parts kits is available from dealers containing the minimum spares that should be carriedaboard This kit contains the points 1 set distributor cap 1 spark plugs 4 condenser 1 alternator drive belt 1 thermostat housing gasket1 water pump impeller and gasket 1 each fuel pump filter electric pump1In addition to the spare parts list the following parts are recommended for vessels on coil1engine crankcase oil4 quartsfuel pump1oil pressure switch1for electric fuel panel fuses2fuse starterwater pump complete1water pump grease1 overhaul kit1head gasket138 hose3 feethigh tension wire set1oil pump gear set1hand ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 105TOOLSA basic tool kit should include at least the following to enable the owner to carry out and repairsset of open end or box wrenches 38 to 78 spark plug wrenchseveral screwdrivers various sizesset of feeler gauges locking grip pliers long nose openend wrench hammeroil canspecial snapring pliers for Oberdorfer water pump impeller retaining ringOPTIONAL TOOLS38 ratchet drive and sockets torque wrench 075 ft lbswire multimeterset of Allan setscrew wrenches 18 to 58cold ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage Designations 5101Direct drive5102 Reduction drive 215103 Vdrive with Type Vertical InLine 4stroke LHeadNumber of Cylinders FourBore and Stroke 2562 x 3375 inchesTotal Piston Displacement 6446 cubic inchesBrake Horsepower 303500 rpmCompression Ratio 631Firing Order 1243Fuel Regular grade gasoline9294 OctaneEngine Idle rpm 6001000 rpmEngine Rotation when viewed from flywheel endOutput Shaft all modelsMaximum Operating Angle 1215 degrees fore and aftADJUSTMENTS AND Plug Gap 035 inches Champion RJ814 mmIgnition Timing Breaker points starting to open at TDC Top Dead Point Gap018 to 020 inchesMagneto Point Gap014 to 018 inchesValve Tappet Clearance Intake008 Hot 010ColdExhaust 010 Hot 012ColdValve Sequence from Exh Int Int ExhNo I Drive Belt 375 in max depression between Tension pulleysMain Bearing Journal Diameter19880 Rod Journal Diameter Bearing Clearance001 to 0025On Rod Bearing002 to 0025 Rod Bore Large End 16678 to End Play 002 to 003 At Front Bearing OnlyConnecting Rod End Play004 to 008 Instal wNo on Rod Toward Bearing Journal12745 0005 0000Camshaft Bearing Clearance 0015 to0025 Reamed after Bore 2562 to 2563 Diameter Hone ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 107Install pistons with arrow pointing to transmission end Instal compression rings with groove sideup Top of PistonPiston Ring Side Clearance Ring Top 0015 Ring Center 001 to 0025Oil Ring001 to 0025Piston Ring Gap Clearance007 to 015Piston Skirt Clearance0015 Feeler to 5 lbs pullPiston Pin Size6380 StandardPiston Pin Clearance in Piston 001 to 002Valve Seat Angle 45 degreesValve Seat Width 132Valve Stem Size 3120 to 3115Valve Stem Clearance In Guide002 to 003Oil Pump Drive End Play001 to 003Off Pump Gear Back Lash 003 to 005Camshaft Gear Back Lash002 to 004Idler Gear Back Lash 002 to 004Accessory Gear Back Lash002 to 004TORQUE DATACylinder Head Stud Nuts 35 ft lbs Engine HotManifold Stud Nuts 35 ft lbs Engine HotConnecting Rod Bolt Nuts 25 ft lbsFlywheel Stud Nuts 35 ft lbsMain Bearing Nuts front and rear60 ft lbsSpark Plug 30 ft DATAExhaust Flange 114 NPT National Pipe Thread SizeWater Inlet 38 NPTWater Outlet 38 NPTFuel Pump Connection 18 NPTFuel Line 516 OD copper ATOMIC FOUR OWNERS SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUALPage 108OVERSIZE AND UNDERSIZE COMPONENTS AVAILABLEMain Bearing Set010 Undersize020 Undersize030 Rod Bearing Set 010 Undersize020 Undersize030 Ring Set 010 Oversize020 Oversize030 OversizePiston WPin 010 Oversize020 Oversize030 OversizePiston Pin 005 Oversize010 Oversize015 OversizeSERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONSOn engine nameplate located on engine flywheel cover or in block directly above flywheel housing under front oil filterStamped on upper left hand corner of block ignition side
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